Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Poker and Monopoly both Illegal IN South Carolina

Raided like a meth lab, their little poker tourney was.

Because card and dice games other than Parcheesi are illegal in South Carolina, Another South Carolina statute (not pertaining to this case) states that on the Sabbath, you are not allowed to play any game, not even in your own home, whether with cards or dice or not. That statute reads: “Whoever shall keep or suffer to be kept any gaming table or permit any game or games to be played in his house on the Sabbath day, on conviction thereof before any court having jurisdiction, shall be fined the sum of fifty dollars, to be sued for on behalf of, and to be recovered for use of, the State.”

Thanks to a recent card player article by Bob Ciaffone and the ruthless Poker Bust he describes
I have been made more aware of the absuridty of the laws making poker illegal. Most people dont need to worry about being busted for a home game, but don't publicize it since Poker is illegal most places. For the full text of Bob's article go to http://cardplayer.com/poker_magazine/archives/showarticle.php?a_id=15142&m_id=65578


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