Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Poker and Monopoly both Illegal IN South Carolina

Raided like a meth lab, their little poker tourney was.

Because card and dice games other than Parcheesi are illegal in South Carolina, Another South Carolina statute (not pertaining to this case) states that on the Sabbath, you are not allowed to play any game, not even in your own home, whether with cards or dice or not. That statute reads: “Whoever shall keep or suffer to be kept any gaming table or permit any game or games to be played in his house on the Sabbath day, on conviction thereof before any court having jurisdiction, shall be fined the sum of fifty dollars, to be sued for on behalf of, and to be recovered for use of, the State.”

Thanks to a recent card player article by Bob Ciaffone and the ruthless Poker Bust he describes
I have been made more aware of the absuridty of the laws making poker illegal. Most people dont need to worry about being busted for a home game, but don't publicize it since Poker is illegal most places. For the full text of Bob's article go to http://cardplayer.com/poker_magazine/archives/showarticle.php?a_id=15142&m_id=65578


Friday, December 09, 2005

Pay to let someome else Play

Youth and others in China are being payed $250 a month to play various video games on-line for
players in the US too busy or to Lazy, to go through the lower levels and collect enough loot and points. While this is a bizzare twist in the history of gaming, it does make sense since the lower levels are not very challenging for many people, and challenge is one reason that people play games. For the full text of the article go to the www.newyorktimes.com website and do a search for "Ogre to Slay".

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Trivial Pursuit Tips

Trivial Pursuit

Basic Rules

You roll the die and then answer questions based on the color of the square you land on. If the space is a “pie,” then you will get a “pie piece”of that color if you answer the question correctly. When you answer a question correctly, you get to roll again. When you answer incorrectly, you must remove a piece of your opponent’s clothing. The first one to get allsix pie pieces (or a hard-on) wins.


1. If you are otherwise unsure of the answer, always go with your first instinct.

2 Since you need pie pieces to win, always choose a pie space if you have a chance.

3. If you can’t land on a pie, try to land on a “roll again” space.

4. If you can’t land on a pie or a “roll again,” pick the color (subject) you are most comfortable with.

5. Don’t guess to quickly--think about any wording in the clue that might help

6. If you have no idea, the clue itself might be the answer (for instance, “Where are Dungarees made?” In Dungarees, India).

7. Make sure to gravitate to the part of the board where you have not gotten your pies.

8. If you don’t know the answer, think about alternate meanings of the question. For instance, a name may be the name of an animal instead of a human.

9. Read trivia from the 80's as this is when the game was invented. Geography is an easy study for quick improvment as their is a finite amount of questions here.


1. Letting your opponent see the answer on the back of the card.

2. Talking yourself out of the right answer.

3. Sticking the pie pieces in the wheel the wrong way; they are very difficult to remove.


“Better to know lots of trivia than to be smart.”

Game Web site and other links



(“Lord of the Rings” trivial pursuit)